Tuition & Fees

The tuition for each school year is carefully set to sustain our incredible ministry and serve our diverse student body.

There is a yearly non-refundable registration fee that covers consumable and non-consumable texts, insurance, duplication materials, basic supplies, color yearbook, and a program fee.

  • Tuition: $11,850
    Registration Fee: $420 per child (non-refundable)

Making Education Accessible

Our goal is that no family should feel unable to apply to our school due to financial hardship. We are committed to making Most Holy Trinity School accessible for all families through our tuition assistance program, which reflects our mission to serve a diverse Catholic community.

Why Tuition Matters:

Your investment in your child’s education helps us:

  • Continue moving MHT School toward a successful future

  • Retain and recruit quality professionals

  • Add to existing academic and extracurricular programs

  • Meet student social-emotional health needs

  • Continue our progress to self-sustainability. 

Our Commitment to Families

We understand every dollar you make is vitally important to your family, and we are forever committed to working with you to make MHT School accesible for your child or children.

TADS Tuition Management System:

Please Note: Each family is required to establish an account in TADS, our tuition management system, upon registration. Families can choose their:

  • Payment method: Credit, debit, or in-school payments

  • Payment schedule: One or two payments per month

Please contact the office (408-729-3431) with questions about tuition and fees.

Financial Aid at Most Holy Trinity School

Most Holy Trinity School is committed to supporting all families in making the dream of a Catholic education possibleAll families interested in receiving financial aid are asked to complete the TADS financial assistance application, even if you think you may not qualify. 

Steps to Apply for Financial Aid

  1. Complete the Enrollment Application
    To apply for financial aid, an enrollment application must be submitted. This is a crucial first step in the process.

  2. Complete the TADS Financial Assistance Application
    All families seeking financial aid must submit an application through TADS, our online tuition management system. Even if you believe you may not qualify, we strongly encourage you to apply.

  3. Submit Required Documentation
    Financial aid applications must include a completed Income Tax Return and a Form 1040 or other valid proof of income. Additional proof may be requested if there have been changes to your financial status since submitting your TADS application.

  4. Account Creation and Enrollment
    Each family must establish a TADS account to enroll their child(ren) at Most Holy Trinity School. Tuition assistance consideration also requires a completed TADS application.

Decision Process

Tentative tuition assistance decisions will be communicated via email. Please ensure your TADS application is finalized before your appointment. If you wish to discuss any updates to your financial situation, please bring supporting documentation to your meeting.

Additional Resources

To assist you in navigating the financial aid process, a workbook guide is attached. We also welcome parents to visit our office for personalized assistance with their financial aid applications. This guide provides step-by-step instructions and helpful tips to ensure a smooth application experience.

We are here to assist you every step of the way and look forward to supporting your family in joining the Most Holy Trinity School community.

Explore Additional Scholarship Opportunities

New families and families bringing in siblings are highly encouraged to apply for the BASIC Fund Scholarship

The Basic Fund Scholarship is an additional opportunity available for families and does not interfere with financial aid applications. Families can apply for both, providing them with the best options to support their child’s education.

Tuition and Financial Aid Questions? Contact us. 

Office: 408-729-3431                                         

Darlene Sanchez - Principal